The Youth Ministry works in collaboration with the office of Adolescent Catechesis and Evangelization offering formation opportunities to form parish leaders and volunteers to better accompany and serve young people and their families within the parishes of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
Providing leadership, formation, and resources in Comprehensive Youth Ministry for parishes to effectively form adolescents into lifelong disciples in the Catholic tradition.
The Young Adult Ministry's main focus is faith building, community service and camaraderie among young adults. One of the ministry's goals is to assist the young adults of our parish in discerning their mission in the world and integrating that mission in their work, family and community life.
Youth Ministry Director
Christabel Tomla: 832-415-6760
This is the Sunday School classes for Kids who are in Pre-K to 5th grade.
For more information, please contact:
Adeline Abongwa
Efua Fonlon
202-215-6840 |
What is Edge?
Edge is a Catholic middle school youth ministry program. It provides a safe fun place for youth to find solid Catholic community, to get answers to their questions about faith, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way. Edge resources speak to the physical, psychological, cognitive, relational, and spiritual maturation of middle school youth. Edge resources make it easier for youth ministers to plan out their semesters of Edge Night, retreats, and to train a team of adults, the Core Team, to assist them in the ministry. The resources present Catholic teaching in a way that young people can understand.
This means that youth minsters get to spend less time at the desk and more time reaching out to youth. Edge provides many resources and support to help youth ministers reach out to parents and to connect with the families of middle school youth. Edge also connects youth ministers to a veteran team of youth ministers to assist them as well as providing ample opportunities for training. Edge answers the needs of this age group in a catechetical, fun, and relevant way and provides a foundation for youth to continue onto Life Teen. Edge is a great asset to any youth ministry program, as it answers the unique needs of this age group while providing deeply impactful resources.
Why is Edge Important?
We all remember that middle school was awkward and difficult. That hasn’t changed. However, societal shifts have made the middle school years more difficult than ever. Today, middle school youth are having experiences that were common only with high school students just 15 years ago. Threats of violence, availability of drugs and alcohol, and pervasiveness of sex and pornography are the new norm. Not only are they faced with these tough realities but they are also in the process of moving from being family-centered to friend-centered.
Peers gain greater influence and parental authority is called into question. As they shift socially they are also experiencing tremendous changes emotionally and intellectually. As they wade through all the difficulties of this time of life, they have real questions and need real answers. If parish leaders ignore the unique challenges of their middle school youth, they risk losing them forever. (Culled from Life Teen inc)
This is the reason why the Edge Ministry is very important for our Middle School Kids.
At St Nicholas we offer the Edge program for our Middle School students or any Middle School Kid willing to join us.
For more information, please contact:
Kehmia Tangeh
832-563-0275 |
The program - for youth in grades 9–12 - will provide opportunities for teens to learn about the Catholic faith, while spending time with other young people who strive to live an active Catholic life.
We believe every young person should feel like they have a place in the Church and be given the opportunity to encounter Christ in a life-changing way. We seek to live this mission through weekly high school youth nights, sacramental preparation, discipleship groups that allow teens to go deeper in their faith, service days to bring the joy of Christ to others, and retreats throughout the year.
Open to all High School students- There is multiple opportunities throughout the year to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the world, to retreat and reconnect with God.
Steubenville conferences are specialized to address the needs of today’s Catholic youth, organized on a national and regional level. With an exciting lineup of speakers, musicians, and presenters, the High School Youth Conferences will challenge Catholic youth to stand firm in their faith, rely upon the awesome power of Jesus Christ who is their guide, friend and Savior and to show that faith to the world. Tens of thousands of teens participate each summer across the country – in Denver, Atlanta, New York, Ohio, Seattle, Nova Scotia, Minnesota, Texas and many other places.
For more information, please contact:
Tochukwu Okonkwor
Lead Coordinator
Ashu Nkwanyuo
Kilian Nji
281-300-7843 |
At St Nicholas we have the YOUNG DISCIPLES OF CHRIST Young Adults’ Ministry. The ministry welcomes all adult ages 18-30, as they are met in the stages of life as college students, professional singles, married couples, or young families that are eager to grow in love with God whether searching, found, confused or questioning. We believe Parish life is also a formation where we learn about God and the Church from childhood to adulthood.
Our Goals
We are working to create a home where young adults are cherished, loved and welcomed. To this end we have five goals that guide our work:
Provide a leadership formation program which recruits, forms, catechizes, energizes and equips young adult leaders.
Create a parish environment where young adults are valued and invited.
Invite young adults into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
Assist the diverse young adults of our parish in discerning their mission in the world and integrating that mission in their work, school, family and community life.
Maximize the potential of existing and emerging technologies to reach out to young adults and connect them to one another and the Church.
To reach out to the Young Professionals.
Our meetings are twice in a month. For more information contact the
Young Adults’ Coordinator for each community
Lee Sendze
Guy Fotsue
281-948-3697 |