St. Nicholas Catholic Church, Houston, has launched a Youtube Channel that will feature videos of our activities as well as sermons and livestreams. Please visit our channel often to see what we do in our parish. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel.,
The Installation of new Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) members was done on the 1st Sunday of Advent - December 3rd, 2023. Members from the 3 different communities within St. Nicholas Catholic Parish. The PPC members are called to Examine, Examine and Consider all needs of the church. The new members are: Aloysius Chi (Chairman), Sharon Singletary (Secretary), Valeria Awah Ngafor, Hayden Mullone, Jean Paul Amani, Che Anu, Noel Siaha, Egide Ndabazi, Laureen Kagwiria, Michael Contreras, Mari Petteway Margaret Kilo. Thank you for your service!