"Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae spiritualisianua), and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word." (CCC1213)
To assist parents in their duty as Christian parents to raise their children in the ways of faith, the church requires all parents to attend baptismal preparation classes prior to scheduling the baptism of their children.
First-time Parents must attend two preparation classes prior to scheduling their child's baptism.
Parents celebrating the baptism of additional children are required to attend one baptism preparation class.
Only those who have completed the required baptism preparation classes may have their children baptized.
In the case of unmarried parents, a copy of the child's Birth Certificate must be received.
In the case of an adopted child, a copy of the legal documents must be received.
If Catholic Godparents are married, their marriage must be Catholic, i.e., married in the Church by a Catholic priest or deacon. (The Code of Canon Law, c. 874)
All forms and other needed documents must be turned in on or before the preparatory class. If these are not received, baptism will be rescheduled.
Forms for Baptism:
Baptism Request Form
Godparents Covenant Form
Baptism Date and Time Request Form
Godparents play a particularly important role in the baptism and lives of their godchildren. The role of a godparent is to assist the parents in raising the child in the Catholic faith. They are to serve as examples of Christian living and be willing to share in the teaching of the faith and traditions of the Church. The commitment of a godparent is a lifelong commitment to the child's faith formation and development of Christian values.
At least one of the godparents must be a Catholic. Godparents are expected to be active/practicing Christians.
Catholic godparents must be confirmed and in good standing with the Church.
According to Canon Law:
There is to be at least one godparent.
If there are two one must be a male and one must be female.
One godparent must be Catholic.
The Catholic Sponsor must be at least 16 years old, have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. They must be practicing their faith. If they are married, they must be in a marriage recognized by the Church.
One godparent may be a Christian Witness. A Christian Witness must be a validly baptized and believing Christian from a separated church or community.